Cereal Chem 51:406 - 415. | VIEW
Flavors Derived from Linoleic and Linolenic Acid Hydroperoxides.
J. E. Kalbrener, K. Warner, and A. C. Eldridge. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Hydroperoxides of linoleic and linolenic acid were prepared using soybean lipoxygenase. After purification by silicic acid chromatography, flavors associated with the hydroperoxides, or their breakdown products, in water were characterized by a trained taste panel. Linoleic acid hydroperoxide (50 p.p.m.) was described as predominantly grassy/beany, musty/stale, and bitter. Linolenic acid hydroperoxide (10 p.p.m.) was described with a variety of terms with the most predominant description being grassy/beany followed by bitter and astringent. Each purified hydroperoxide was stored as a 5 to 6% solution in ethanol at -6 C. During the 10-day storage period, no significant changes occurred in the flavor intensity or description of the hydroperoxides. Dilute solutions of linoleic (approximately 50 p.p.m.) and linolenic (approximately 30 p.p.m.) acids in 0.05N borate buffer, pH 9.0, treated with lipoxygenase were tasted directly. Flavor responses were very similar to the responses of the purified hydroperoxides.