Cereal Chem 51:416 - 426. | VIEW
Dried Japanese Noodles. I. Properties of Laboratory-Prepared Noodle Doughs from Sound and Damaged Wheat Flours.
M. M. Bean, P. M. Keagy, J. G. Fullington, F. T. Jones, and D. K. Mecham. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Japanese-type noodles were prepared in the laboratory by using a farinograph to mix the stiff, salted doughs, which were sheeted and cut into thin strings with a household sheeter-noodle cutter. The cut noodles were hung to dry in a fermentation cabinet at 100 F. and 85% r.h. Doughs of unsatisfactory quality were sticky when cut or gave cut dough strings that stretched and sometimes broke while drying. Increasing salt content from 1 to 2% strengthened the dough strings and decreased their stickiness. Malted wheat flour added to unmalted flour or flour from laboratory-sprouted wheat gave poor noodle doughs at relatively low alpha-amylase levels, compared to those tolerated in bread doughs. However, further observations suggest that factors other than alpha-amylase are as significant with respect to noodle dough properties. They include the presence of protease, solubilized carbohydrate, or other modified constituents formed in damaged grain prior to milling, and fungal infestation of grain.