Cereal Chem 51:448 - 456. | VIEW
Chemical, Physical, and Nutritional Properties of High-Protein Flours and Residual Kernel from the Overmilling of Uncoated Milled Rice. II. Amino Acid Composition and Biological Evaluation of the Protein.
B. M. Kennedy and M. Schelstraete. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The amino acid composition of the protein in 60 samples from the overmilling of 12 different lots of uncoated milled rice was similar. Varietal differences were apparent, particularly in cystine, methionine, and tryptophan. Average amino acid values for the 60 samples are within 10% of the chemical values as reported by the FAO in 1970, except for arginine and tyrosine, for which the values reported here are 24 and 64% higher, respectively. The average, with standard deviation, of protein efficiency ratios determined on 20 fractions of rice, including 12 high-protein flours and 8 other samples from two lots of rice, was 2.03 +/- 0.20 adjusted to 2.5 for casein. Relatively little difference was found in the amino acid composition or in the protein efficiency ratios of the various samples from a given lot of rice. The results show that the flours, in addition to containing more protein, had a balance of amino acids as good as that of the original rice.