Cereal Chem 51:478 - 486. | VIEW
Titratable Acidity in Water-Saturated n-Butyl Alcohol and Petroleum Ether Extracts of Some Stored Wheat Products.
D. K. Mecham and A. P. Mossman. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Titratable acidity values of water-saturated n-butyl alcohol (WB) and petroleum-ether extracts of Flour Blend A samples in storage were compared. At 90 F., titratable acidity increased at the same rate for both solvents up to 3 months' storage time, and beyond 3 months little change occurred. At 120 F., increases for the two solvents were nearly equal after 3 months, but with longer storage acidities of the WB extracts increased regularly while those of the petroleum-ether extracts changed little. With samples containing 0.5% sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, the same trends and differences between extractants were observed. WB also gave consistent results with full-fat soy flour/wheat flour blends in storage. The blends gave larger titrations than the corresponding wheat flour samples, and 10%-moisture blends increased less than 13%- moisture blends. In a wheat stored at 14.6% moisture and 100 F. for times beyond complete loss of viability, increases in titratable acidity were small with both extractants. WB extracts showed the increases in titratable acidity due to breakdown of lipid (formulation of "free fatty acids") during storage of wheat products at least as satisfactorily as petroleum-ether extracts did, and probably more effectively with extensively deteriorated samples stored at relatively high temperatures. Extraction of lipids with WB was rapid and more nearly complete than with nonpolar solvents, and variation in moisture content of samples were less critical.