Cereal Chem 51:534 - 541. | VIEW
The Mineral Composition of Triticales and Triticale Milling Fractions by X-Ray Fluorescence and Atomic Absorption.
K. Lorenz, F. W. Reuter, and C. Sizer. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Five winter and spring varieties of Triticale were milled on a Quadrumat Senior mill. The whole grain, flour, bran, and shorts of each of the varieties were analyzed for mineral elements by energy-dispersive X- ray fluorescence and atomic absorption. The precision of the results of X-ray fluorescence was shown to be comparable to that obtained with other methods of analysis. The main mineral elements of Triticale were shown to be potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Generally, bran contained the highest amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iron, copper, and zinc, and flour contained the lowest amounts of those minerals. Shorts had intermediate amounts of those nutritionally important mineral elements. Comparing the mineral composition of Triticales with that of wheats showed Triticales to be higher in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iron, copper, and zinc. Triticale proved to be a good source of iron. Bromine, which is not detectable by atomic absorption and is usually not analyzed for by other chemical methods, was readily detectable by X-ray fluorescence. It was concluded that Triticale grains and flours, as well as the feed fractions--bran and shorts--could serve as a good source of mineral nutrients.