Cereal Chem 51:559 - 572. | VIEW
Utilization of High-Lysine Corn for the Manufacture of Ogi Using a New, Improved Processing System.
E. O. I. Banigo, J. M. deMan, and C. L. Duitschaever. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
High-lysine (opaque-2) corn (HLC) has been evaluated for the manufacture of ogi using a new approach to the existing traditional ogi process. It was dry-milled into whole corn and dehulled corn flours, mixed with requisite amounts of water, cooked, inoculated with a mixed culture of pure lactobacilli and yeasts, and finally fermented. Ogi porridge prepared from the fermented product was organoleptically very acceptable. In the preliminary studies, whey protein concentrate was incorporated into the mixtures to provide a good substrate for the lactic acid bacteria. It had no significant effect on the rate of acid production of the organisms finally selected for ogi fermentation and was discontinued in subsequent studies. The most successful combination of organisms was found to be Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus lactis, and Saccharomyces rouxii, and incubation temperature was 32 C. for 24 to 28 hr. There was a threefold increase in titratable acidity with HLC and normal corn ogi samples over the entire fermentation cycle of 28 hr. Brabender amylograph viscosity measurements of all samples revealed that ogi fermentation markedly increased the swelling and thickening characteristics of the starch component of HLC and normal corn flours. Cooking of the corn flour-water mixture increased the rate of acid production of the organisms. Direct steam injection cooking was found to be the more effective and would be preferred in a larger scale operation. Analyses of corn flours and ogi samples indicated no nutrient losses during processing. It was concluded that the new ogi processing system is nutritionally superior to the existing traditional process.