Cereal Chem 51:675 - 683. | VIEW
Study of Some Factors of Macaroni Brownness.
K. Kobrehel, B. Laignelet, and P. Feillet. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Brown index of semolina (BIS) has been defined as the reflectance at 550 nm. of a dry pressed disc of semolina, and potential brown index of semolina (PBIS) as the reflectance at 550 nm. of a sheeted and pressed disc of hydrated semolina. It was demonstrated that 25% of PBIS comes from the 0.5M NaCl- soluble components of semolina, 28% from the chloroethanol-soluble fractions, and 47% from the insoluble material. PBIS is highly correlated to semolina protein content (r = 0.728**) and depends on the extraction yield of semolina. Brownness of pasta product is defined by the brownness of semolina (BIS), which seems to occur during kernel maturation, and by the brownness which develops during pasta processing, both resulting from oxidase activities. Selection of varieties with low peroxidase activity should improve the color of macaroni.