Cereal Chem 53:13 - 19. | VIEW
Breakage of Long-Grain Rice in Relation to Kernel Thickness.
J. Matthews and J. J. Spadaro. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Six lots of rough rice were separated into four fractions according to thickness of kernels. X-Ray photographs were used to determine the percentage distribution of cracked and broken rough rice in the fractions and in an unfractionated control sample of each lot. Percentage breakage after milling the various fractions (and control samples) demonstrated that breakage in the rough rice was related to that in the milled rice. The larger the percentage breakage in the milled unfractionated rice, the larger the breakage tended to be in all the milled fractions of a given lot. The distribution of rice among the four thickness fractions differed considerably in the various lots of rice. In general, breakage in the milled rice was greater for the thinner fractions.