Cereal Chem 53:20 - 27. | VIEW
Measurement of the Size and Size Distribution of Milled Rice.
R. A. Stermer and G. C. Daigger. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Physical dimensions of length, width, and projected area were determined for whole-kernel (head) rice and the three classes of broken kernels as defined by U.S. Standards for Milled Rice. There was a serious overlap of all dimension parameters among various classes of broken kernels separated by current conventional methods. The single physical parameter which best classified particles into a particular size category is projected area. A study of a commercially available optical instrument for measuring size on the basis of projected area showed that a) the principle of projected area provided a satisfactory method, b) imperfect orientation of the particles presented to the optical unit seriously affected results, and c) the operational speed of the unit was too slow. Design criteria are suggested for an optical sizing unit for milled and brown rice.