Cereal Chem 53:41 - 50. | VIEW
Methyl Bromide Fumigation. I. Effect of High Dosages on Breadmaking Quality and Germination of Wheat.
W. Minett, R. A. Orth, and L. J. Cook. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two samples of mixtures of the soft wheat varieties Pinnacle and Summit, and two of the hard wheat variety Emblem, were fumigated with methyl bromide at concentration-time products (CT) ranging from four to twenty times that used in normal practice. After duplicated milling on a Buhler experimental mill, the test baking loaf volumes and rheological properties of the resultant flours were determined. As expected, milling yield and the proportion of individual mill streams were not affected by methyl bromide treatment. Data obtained from rheological testing and determination of loaf volume for each wheat were subjected to analysis of variance. Fumigation caused a significant increase in maximum resistance to extension and a significant decrease in loaf volume. Fumigation reduced the germination vigor of all wheats studied. Although the total germination of the fumigated wheats was not significantly different from that of the control, except for CT values above 2200 mg.h/l, the rate of germination was affected by all fumigation doses studied. An inverse relation between germination vigor and fumigation dose was established.