Cereal Chem 53:821 - 828. | VIEW
Calorimetric Studies on the Swelling of Rice. II. Effect of Storage Time on Het of Swelling.
T. Kanemitsu and K. Miyagawa. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Differences in heats of swelling of aged rices (stored for 2 to 6 years) were measured at 30 C. Total heats of swelling (about 8 J/g at 30 C) do not change appreciably with the age of rice. The thermograms, however, differ with the different lengths of storage. That is, the heat of swelling of longer-stored rice evolved more slowly than that of fresh rice. Suito plots of log (equation) vs. time, t, become two consecutive straight lines with a single break. The time from beginning of the reaction to the break point, ti, is closely related to the age of rice. Degree of polishing of rice has no effect on ti values, but the moisture content of rice has a large effect. The ti values of the rices which have been stored at equal moisture content (14% of its weight) have a linear relationship to the age of rice.