Cereal Chem 53:968 - 978. | VIEW
A Comparison of the Carbohydrate Composition of Legume Seeds: Horsebeans, Peas, and Lupines.
J. Cerning-Beroard and A. Filiatre. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Horsebeans, smooth peas, wrinkled peas, and lupines were analyzed for their starch, furfural generator, cellulose, and sugar contents. Horsebeans had an average starch content of 41%. Smooth peas were richer in starch (48%) than wrinkled peas (33%). Lupines contained only traces (0.4%) of starch but were rich in structural and cell-wall polysaccharides. Total furfural generators ranged from 4.8% for horsebeans and smooth peas to 6% in wrinkled peas and 10% in lupines. Most of the furfural generators appeared to be either water-soluble or soluble in dilute acid. Acid hydrolysis of hemicelluloses yielded xylose, smaller amounts of arabinose, glucose, and galactose, and traces of rhamnose. Small amounts of glucose-containing polymers, soluble in water and dilute acid, were present in horsebeans and peas; lupines contained only traces of this fraction. Wrinkled peas and lupines contained more (10%) ethanol-soluble sugars than horsebeans (6.5%) and smooth peas (8%). Thin-layer and column chromatography of the ethanol-soluble sugars showed the presence of varying amounts of sucrose, raffinose, stachyose, verbascose, and higher molecular-weight alpha-galactosides.