Cereal Chem 53:988 - 997. | VIEW
Quality Characteristics of Soft Wheats and Their Use in Japan. I. Methods of Assessing Wheat Suitability for Japanese Products.
S. Nagao, S. Imai, T. Sato, Y. Kaneko, and H. Otsubo. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Since usages of soft wheats in the Japanese market are different from Western countries, quality requirements for them have peculiar aspects. Sponge-cake and Japanese-type noodle testing methods were found most valuble in evaluating the secondary processing quality of soft wheats. General quality evaluation of soft wheat can be derived from the combination of the results of sponge-cake and Japanese-type noodle tests, as well as by the AACC cookie test and by consideration of test milling and analytical results.