Cereal Chem 53:998 - 1005. | VIEW
Effects of Interactions Among Flour Lipids, Other Flour Fractions, and Water on Cookie Quality.
W. T. Yamazaki and J. R. Donelson. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Soft wheat flour was fractionated into five components---free lipids, gluten, tailings, starch, and water solubles. Cookies baked from a blend of these fractions were identical to those baked from the parent flour. The good quality of cookies baked from blends of fractions indicated that a composite structure obtained by doughing fractions is not necessary for the production of normal cookies. The interaction of free lipids with tailings and water had an adverse effect on the internal structure of cookies, and this effect was intensified when gluten was added as an interactant. Inclusion of starch as a further interactant moderated the effect and also controlled the spread of cookies.