Cereal Chem 53:134 - 140. | VIEW
Production of High-Protein Quality Pasta Products Using a Semolina-Corn-Soy Flour Mixture. II. Some Physiochemical Properties of the Untreated and Heat-Treated Corn Flour and of the Mixtures Studied.
M. R. Molina, I. Mayorga, and R. Bressani. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Several physiochemical tests were conducted both on heat-treated and untreated whole corn flours and on semolina-whole corn flour and semolina-whole corn-defatted soy flour mixtures prepared for pasta manufacture. Heat-treated whole corn flours were found to have a significant (P less than 0.05) increased damaged starch content, lower sedimentation values, and a higher maximum amylographic viscosity (87 C) than untreated corn flour. The higher damaged starch content and maximum amylographic viscosity of the heat-treated corn flours were reflected in the amylographic viscosity and water absorption capacity changes observed in the semolina-corn and semolina-corn-soy flour mixtures studied. A high correlation was found between the maximum amylographic viscosity value of the mixtures and both the solids-in-cooking water value and the organoleptic score (r = 0.76 and -0.86, respectively) of the pasta products prepared. This finding indicates the favorable effect of a partial corn starch gelatinization prior to pasta production. The addition of 8% defatted soy flour had a significant (P less than 0.05) favorable effect on the water absorption capacity of the mixtures.