Cereal Chem 53:174 - 179. | VIEW
Barley Starch. VI. A Self-Liquefying Waxy Barley Starch.
K. J. Goering and R. F. Eslick. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A new, short awn, hull-less waxy barley (Washonupana) has been developed which retains sufficient active alpha-amylase-like activity on the starch granules to liquefy not only itself but four times its weight of either waxy corn or normal unmodified corn starch when heated in the Brabender amylograph. Since this liquefaction occurs without cooking or the addition of enzyme, this starch should be ideal for paper and sizing operations and possibly could result in the replacement of corn syrup in brewing applications. Preliminary data suggest the untreated grain might also replace substantial amounts of malt in the brewing industry.