Cereal Chem 53:242 - 249. | VIEW
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Fractions of Wheat and Flour.
K.-Y. Wu and C. E. McDonald. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of high nitrogen fertilization at seeding time on protein and nonprotein nitrogen fractions of hard red spring wheat and flour was investigated. With high nitrogen fertilization, there was a significant increase in content of protein, gluten, soluble protein, nonprotein nitrogen, and nitrate. Also the cultivar and year of growth had a significant influence on the fractions. Ammonia was not significantly increased. The proportion of the sample nitrogen found as protein or as nonprotein nitrogen was not significantly influenced by nitrogen fertilization, cultivar, location of growth, or crop year. Only a small error could have occurred in estimating the relative protein content by Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis because the proportion as protein nitrogen was quite constant among samples.