Cereal Chem 53:250 - 257. | VIEW
Some Chemical and Physical Properties of the Mercuric Chloride-Solubilized Gel Protein from Different Wheat Varieties.
E. W. Cole, H. Ng, and D. K. Mecham. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Mercuric chloride-solubilized gel proteins (MCS-gel proteins) from nine different wheat varieties with good and poor bread-baking qualities were reduced with mercaptoethanol and examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fifteen different subunits (approximate molecular-weight (mol wt) range of 14,000-105,000) were detected. MCS-gel proteins from strong flours (hard red spring and hard red winter) had higher concentrations of the subunits in the mol wt range of 77,000-95,000 than those from weak flours (soft white winter). Also, MCS-gel proteins from strong flours had greater sensitivity to precipitation by salt solutions than those from weak flours. Comparisons were made between the subunits of the MCS-gel proteins and glutenin.