Cereal Chem 53:291 - 212. | VIEW
Supplemental Value of Liquid Cyclone Processed Cottonseed Flour on the Proteins of Soybean Products and Cereals.
C. E. Castro, S. P. Yang, and M. L. Harden. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Studies were conducted to determine whether supplementation with cottonseed flour produced by a liquid cyclone process (LCP) would improve the protein quality of soy concentrate (soy 90/HS, 90/LS), soy isolate (soy 70/HS, 70/LS), triticale, wheat, and rye. When compared with the FAO/WHO suggested pattern, all the soybean products and cereals contained more essential amino acids than the requirements for the adult human, whereas the total sulfur amino acids of soy 70/HS and 90/HS and the lysine of triticale, wheat, and rye do not met the requirements of either the infant or school child. In Experiment One, young rats were fed an otherwise adequate but protein-free diet, or the same diet supplemented with 10% protein (N X 6.25) from casein, LCP cottonseed flour, soy concentrate, soy isolate, triticale, wheat, or rye. Average weight gain of the rats receiving a 10% LCP cottonseed protein diet was significantly greater than that of the rats receiving any other experimental diet. The protein efficiency ratios (PER) of casein and cottonseed were similar but higher than those for all other diets. In Experiment Two, rats were fed diets containing 5% protein from LCP cottonseed flour, and 5% protein from one of the above soy products or cereals. The PER values for the diets containing 5% protein from cottonseed and 5% protein from soy concentrate, soy isolate, triticale, or wheat were significantly greater than those for the comparable diets containing 10% protein from soy products or cereals alone. The significant improvement in the protein quality of soy concentrate, soy isolate, triticale, and wheat suggests that LCP cottonseed flour is a valuble supplement to these and possibly to other grain products.