Cereal Chem 53:299 - 307. | VIEW
Zearalenone: Distribution in Dry-Milled Fractions of Contaminated Corn.
G. A. Bennett, A. J. Peplinski, O. L. Brekke, L. K. Jackson, and W. R. Wichser. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Three lots of naturally contaminated yellow corn from the 1972 crop were dry milled to determine the distribution of zearalenone in mill fractions. Two different procedures were used to mill representative samples of the three lots of contaminated corn. Zearalenone and fat contents of each fraction were determined, and their distributions calculated. Dry cleaning the the corn before milling removed from 3 to 10% of the zearalenone. All mill fractions from both procedures were contaminated with zearalenone. The highest levels of contamination were in the hull and high-fat fractions. Prime product mix (grits, low-fat meal, and flour, representing product yields of 57-63%) contained approximately 20% of the zearalenone in the whole corn.