Cereal Chem 53:365 - 375. | VIEW
Studies on Kenkey with Particular Reference to Calcium and Phytic Acid.
B. Amoa and H. G. Muller. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Changes in the proximate composition of maize during the kenkey-making process have been determined. With the exception of the fat content, which decreased, the chemical composition of the maize remained virtually unchanged. Calcium and phytic acid received particular attention. Little of either was lost during kenkey manufacture. It was shown that the intake of dietary calcium is too low, if kenkey forms the staple food for children, and some form of calcium enrichment has been suggested. it has been shown that up to 88% of phytic acid can be destroyed by adding wheat or germinated maize flour to the kenkey mix.