Cereal Chem 53:429 - 437. | VIEW
Influence of Wheat Cultivars and Environment on Agtron Values and Flour Ash.
W. C. Shuey. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Fifty-two wheat samples were milled on a pilot mill and evaluated on a Model M-500-A Agtron to study the influence of variety and environment on flour color reflectance values and flour ash content. They represented 11 different cultivars of hard red spring (HRS) wheat grown at four locations on plots of about 1 acre during the 1973 and 1974 crop years. Inconsistencies were observed between flour extraction and flour ash, flour extraction and flour color value, and flour ash and flour color value among the within cultivars and locations and crop years. Interactions among variety, location, and crop years with flour color value and flour ash made determination of the exact grade or extraction of the flour impossible without prior knowledge of the sample.