Cereal Chem 53:438 - 455. | VIEW
Gelation Parameters of Enzymatically Modified Soy Protein Isolates.
A. Pour-El and T. S. Swenson. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Soy protein isolates that were enzymatically modified were tested for gelling characteristics by heating and cooling. The irreversible gels were subjected to pressure and the gel formation was measured by a specially designed apparatus. Parameters pertaining to that deformation were obtained by computer analysis of the rate deformation. The parameters were then related to the percentage enzyme-treated protein in the gel and to the kind of enzyme used in the digestion. In general, it was found that treatment with plant proteases was producing better gels than treatment with animal enzymes. Ficin seemed to be the best enzyme for producing the irreversible gels.