Cereal Chem 53:457 - 468. | VIEW
Brabender Farinograph, Research Extensometer, and Hilliff Chapatti Press as Tools for Standardization and Objective Assessment of Chapatti Dough.
S. R. Shurpalekar and C. Prabhavathi. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The successful use of the Brabender Farinograph, Henry Simon Research extensometer, and Hilliff chapatti press for standardization and objective evaluation of chapatti doughs based on 93-95% extraction wheat flour (atta) has been demonstrated. With a 50-g mixing bowl in lever position 1:3 of the farinograph, water absorption (%) and mixing time for any wheat flour could be determined by running a farinogram at the optimum dough consistency of 500 +/- 20 BU. Optimum conditions for preparation of a chapatti dough were: 1 min of initial mixing, followed by a 5-min rest period, and final mixing until 1-2 min after the chapatti dough had attained the maximum consistency. The rolling characteristics of chapatti dough, as reflected by its stretching and spreading properties, could be objectively evaluated using the extensometer and the chapatti press, respectively. The farinograph-mixed dough could be rolled into chapatties immediately, thereby avoiding the conventional rest period of about 1 hr. Based on the standard doughs thus obtained, the chapatti-making quality of six varieties of Indian aestivum wheats was evaluated.