Cereal Chem 53:525 - 539. | VIEW
Baking Studies on the Pin-Milled and Air-Classified Flour from Four Hard Red Spring Wheat Varieties.
M. Hayashi, B. L. D'Appolonia, and W. C. Shuey. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Three flour streams (1M, 3M, and 2B) from four hard red spring wheat varieties, Red River 68, Chris, Era, and Pitic 62, were obtained from a pilot mill, By pin-milling and air classification, the streams were fractionated into high-, intermediate-, and low-protein fractions, F-1, C-2, and F-2, respectively, Pin-milling increased starch damage in the flour, and extent of damage increased as the particle size was reduced. Red River 68 showed strong properties throughout the study and produced poor baked products. The Chris variety baked the best bread, but made poor cookies and cakes. Era had intermediate strength and produced the best cookies. Pitic 62 displayed weak characteristics, but produced acceptable cakes. Coarse particle size fractions (unfractionated and C-2 fractions) were better than fine for bread and cookies. The F-1 fractions which gave bread of good volume with poor internal characteristics made unacceptable cakes and cookies. The F-2 fractions were good for cakes but poor for bread and cookies. Addition of starch to reduce the protein level improved cakes and increased the spread factor of cookies, but did not improve the bread- baking characteristics. Addition of vital gluten increased the protein level and improved bread quality.