Cereal Chem 53:574 - 585. | VIEW
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Malting Quality of Widely Varying Barley Cultivars.
Y. Pomeranz, N. N. Standridge, E. A. Hockett, D. M. Wessenberg, and G. D. Booth. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two hull-less and three hulled barley cultivars were grown for 2 years at two locations and treated with three nitrogen fertilizer levels (none, optimum, and twice optimum). The barleys were malted under laboratory conditions and the barleys and malt were analyzed. Barley and malt parameters over the five cultivars were relatively consistent for three of four year-location combinations. The means were affected by drought in one year-location combination. Cultivar means varied widely for most barley and malt parameters; the hulled malting cultivars were superior to the hull-less cultivars. Increasing barley protein, as a result of nitrogen fertilization, decreased fine grind extract and increased diastatic power. Variety X fertilizer level interactions were significant for several barley and malt parameters. Barley protein was highly ocrrelated with practically all malt parameters. Out of 43 highly significant correlations among barley and malt parameters, eight were with barley protein. Of the remaining 35 simple correlations, only six continued to be highly significant if the barley protein were held constant.