Cereal Chem 53:733 - 738. | VIEW
Use of Sorghum and Pearl Millet Flours in Cookies.
S. M. Badi and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Cookies made from grain sorghum or millet flour did not spread during baking, had a poor top grain character, and were dense and compact. In addition, they were mealy and gritty. Interchanging the lipid between wheat and sorghum flours showed that wheat lipids had components, missing in sorghum-flour lipids, which greatly improved the cookies' top grain. The use of unrefined soy lecithin (0.6%) improved top grain even more than did wheat lipids. When grain sorghum or millet flours were hydrated with water, dried, and supplemented with 0.6% unrefined soy lecithin, they produced cookies with spread characteristics equal to those of soft wheat flour. The grittiness of millet or sorghum cookies was reduced by increasing the pH of the cookie dough. The texture (fragility) of cookies containing part soft wheat flour was much better than the texture of those made from 100% sorghum or millet flour.