Cereal Chem 53:770 - 776. | VIEW
Bioavailability of Magnesium from Wheat Flour and Various Organic and Inorganic Salts.
G. S. Ranhotra, R. J. Loewe, and L. V. Puyat. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
In weanling rats fed submarginal levels of magnesium provided by patent wheat flour, organic salts (lactate, citrate, and acetate), or inorganic salts (sulfate, oxide, chloride, phosphate, and carbonate), no outward symptoms of magnesium deficiency were observed. Serum magnesium levels were, however, subnormal. Although the absorption of magnesium from these sources did not differ significantly, magnesium concentration in various tissues examined (serum, femur, liver, and kidney) tended to be somewhat higher in rats fed wheat and magnesium-oxide and -chloride, and lower in those fed magnesium-lactate and - phosphate. This difference probably has little physiological significance, and it is concluded that magnesium was equally well available from all sources tested.