Cereal Chem 53:787 - 791. | VIEW
Nonfat Dry Milk Fractions in Breadmaking. I. Effect on Loaf Volume.
R. S. Ling, R. C. Hoseney, and P. L. Finney. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A good baking-quality nonfat dry milk (NFDM) was fractionated by isoelectric precipitation. The soluble protein fraction (whey) was responsible for the loaf volume increase obtained with NFDM. The soluble fraction was dialyzed to separate the solD (material retained in the bag) and solDZ (material passing through the bag) fractions. Both fractions contributed to loaf volume. When the solDZ fraction was fractionated further by ion-exchange chromatography, the anion fraction alone was equal to NFDM. The ammonium ion used to elute the anion fraction was apparently responsible for the loaf volume increase of that fraction. Ammonium ion, in the form of diammoni um phosphate, functionally replaced NFDM in breadmaking.