Cereal Chem 55:1 - 6. | VIEW
Comparative Rheological Properties and Bread Qualities of Wheat Flour Diluted with Tropical Tuber and Breadfruit Flours.
O. Olatunji and I. A. Akinrele. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of adding 10,20, and 30% tropical tuber flour (yam, cocoyam, and cassava) and breadfruit flour to wheat flour was studied with the falling number apparatus, farinograph, extensograph, amylograph, and baking tests. Addition of the different percentages of yam, cocoyam, cassava, and breadfruit flours to wheat altered the rheological properties. The diastatic activity in terms of falling number, the water absorption, and the tolerance index of the farinogram increased with increasing amounts of nonwheat flours while dough development time and stability decreased. The dough area, extensibility, and the peak of the curve in the amylogram decreased significantly while the resistance and proportional number increased with increases in the nonwheat flour of the blends. However, the area under the curve of the 10% yam-flour blend and the extensibility of the 10% yam- and cocoyam-flour blends were higher than the corresponding values for 100% wheat flour at 45- and 90-min intervals. The 10% flour blends in all cases gave results comparable to the control and produced better quality bread than the 20 and 30% flour blends. Sources of the nonwheat flours and increased addition of these nonwheat flours to wheat flour significantly affected the proportional number (P less than 0.5). The specific volume of the bread and the total acceptability score were also significantly different (P less than 0.5). Loaves of bread from 100% wheat flour and 10% flour blends were very similar, whereas bread from 20% flour blend (excluding the 20% yam-flour blend) was definitely poorer than that of the 100% flour blend. The 30% flour blends were unsatisfactory. Generally, cocoyam-flour blends gave bread which scored the closest to bread made from 100% wheat flour.