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Cereal Chem 55:66 - 76.  |  VIEW ARTICLE
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Maturing Triticale, Wheat, and Rye.

K. Lorenz, M. Yetter, and R. M. Saunders. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

Kernels of wheat, rye, and triticale that were harvested at different stages of maturity were viewed with a scanning electron microscope. The changes in the pericarp, aleurone, and endosperm regions of the kernels were observed for the last four weeks of kernel development. Complete collapse of all pericarp tissues was the only indication of abnormal development in the maturation of triticale. The observed changes in the endosperm and the aleurone layers of triticale proceeded as in maturing wheat and rye.

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