Cereal Chem 55:637 - 651. | VIEW
Factors Affecting Farinograph and Baking Absorption. I. Quality Characteristics of Flour Streams.
J. Holas and K. H. Tipples. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Analytic, physical dough, and baking tests were performed on a series of flours and flour streams milled from Canadian red spring wheat. The samples ranged widely in protein content (11.5-19.2%) and damaged starch level (15-89 Farrand units). Relative to the middlings and straight-grade flours, the break flours were characterized by high protein content, low damaged starch, strong dough characteristics, large loaf volume, and high baking absorption. By contrast, the tail-end streams had a high damaged starch and pentosan content, weak dough characteristics, poor baking quality, high farinograph absorption, and low baking absorption.