Cereal Chem 55:830 - 840. | VIEW
Long, Medium, and Short Grain Rices---Enzyme Activities and Chemical and Physical Properties.
K. Lorenz, R. Y. Fong, A. P. Mossman, and R. M. Saunders. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Amylase and protease activity were determined in paddy rice, rice milled to remove 3,.6, and 10% of the kernel, and rice bran of several commercial and experimental rice varieties. Enzyme activities are localized in the rice kernel but do not correlate with stickiness of the cooked rices. With amylose content, amylograph "set-back" values are useful in predicting the degree of stickiness of cooked rice. Scanning electron microscopy indicates the surface characteristics of different rice types.