Cereal Chem 55:841 - 852. | VIEW
Effect of Semolina Extraction Rate on Semolina Characteristics and Spaghetti Quality.
J. E. Dexter and R. R. Matsuo. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two Canadian durum wheats were milled experimentally in an Allis-Chalmers mill to yield a semolina extraction range of about 58 to 76%. Semolina granulation of both wheats decreases slightly with increasing extraction rate, resulting in slightly higher starch damage. Spaghetti processing absorption is not affected, however. Percent ash and protein content increase with extraction rate for both wheats. In each, the farinograph indicated a slight weakening of pasta dough characteristics as extraction rate increased, but spaghetti cooking quality was not affected. Pigment loss during processing increases significantly with increasing extraction rate, resulting in lower spaghetti pigment content. At high extraction, spaghetti also becomes browner and duller. At comparable extraction rates the difference in quality between the two durum wheats remains relatively constant for each quality parameter examined. Milling for coarser semolina granulation does not affect spaghetti cooking quality and results in slightly improved spaghetti color.