Cereal Chem 55:913 - 918. | VIEW
Comparison of Legume and Wheat Flour Carbohydrates. I. Sugar Analysis.
O. Naivikul and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Flour was obtained by dry milling of five legumes; navy bean, pinto bean, faba bean, lentil, and mung bean. Comparison of the chemical composition of the legume flours with that reported for hard red spring wheat flour showed that legume flours have less starch, starch damage and pentosan content but more protein, fat, ash, and acid-detergent fiber. The various legume flours have similar starch and moisture content. Faba bean, lentil, and mung bean flours contain approximately the same amount of damaged starch, which is more than that in the navy and pinto bean flours. Faba bean flour has the highest protein content and pinto bean has the lowest. Fat content is highest in navy bean flour; ash and acid-detergent fiber content is highest in mung bean flour. The total sugar content is higher in all legume flours than in wheat flour. The legume flours contain high levels of sucrose, stachyose and verbascose, but navy and pinto bean flours contain small amounts of verbascose. All legume flours also contain raffinose and glucose, but faba bean and lentil flour have certain different unidentified sugars. Wheat flour has no stachyose or verbascose but does have small amounts of maltose and fructose.