Cereal Chem 55:919 - 926. | VIEW
Color of Cottonseed Flour and Isolates as Affected by Mixed Solvent Extraction.
R. S. Kadan, G. M. Ziegler, Jr., and J. J. Spadaro. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Filter cake produced by the liquid cyclone process from glanded cottonseed was extracted with azeotropic mixtures of hexane and eight other solvents such as acetone, acetic acid, ethanol, benzene, and chloroform. Portions of the resulting flours were evaluated as such, and the other portions were used to prepare single- step isolates. Color of extracted flours and corresponding lyophilized isolates prepared from them was determined with a colorimeter and also by incorporating them into a biscuit mix. Some of the solvent mixtures improved the color of extracted flours, but neither the color of isolates made from these flours nor the resulting biscuits were improved. Most of the biscuits prepared from the isolates were darker than those made from the corresponding flours. The isolates also retained almost all of the original gossypol in the extracted flours, suggesting that gossypol has an effect on color. Gossypol cannot be removed by aqueous washes during isolate preparation.