Cereal Chem 55:280 - 286. | VIEW
Fractionation of Barley and Malted Barley Flours by Air Classification.
J. R. Vose and C. G. Youngs. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Methods were developed for dehulling commercial brewers' malted barley involving roller milling and screening. The resulting product obtained in 77% yield and also similar products derived from dehulling field barley cultivars were then pin milled. These flours were partitioned by air classification into their more dense, low-fiber starch fractions (84% yield) and their less dense, low-fiber, high-protein flours (16% yield). Examination of the malt starch granules by scanning electron microscopy demonstrated their relative freedom from damage following pin milling of the germinated and kilned malt. The alpha-amylase activity was party concentrated into the dense starch fraction; the malt aroma and flavor were partitioned into the less dense fractions.