Cereal Chem 55:308 - 320. | VIEW
Bread Wheat Granular Millstreams with a Potential for Pasta Production. I. Physical and Analytic Properties.
J. L. A. Fernandes, W. C. Shuey, and R. D. Maneval. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The products from a bread wheat mill were examined for their potential to produce semolina-like material. Selected millstreams were collected from a pilot mill specifically flowed for producing bread flour. They were characterized and compared with a regular semolina and a commercial Brazilian farina normally used for pasta production. Varieties of hard red spring, hard red winter, and durum wheats from the crop years of 1974 and 1975 were investigated. The percentage of extraction varied greatly among the millstreams. Additional purification was necessary only for those streams of finer granulation. Streams of intermediate granulation appeared to be the best source of raw material for pasta production. Millstreams of coarser granulation generally had lower protein content, ash content, speck count, and starch damage, and had higher color score than those of finer granulation. Rheological measurements determined by the farinograph indicated that the coarser granulation had lower absorption and mixing tolerance index but longer peak time. The mixograph and the farinograph data were similar.