Cereal Chem 55:455 - 460. | VIEW
Zearalenone: Distribution in Wet-Milling Fractions from Contaminated Corn.
G. A. Bennett, E. E. Vandegraft, O. L. Shotwell, S. A. Watson, and B. J. Bocan. Copyright 1978 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Corn naturally contaminated with zearalenone at levels of 0.9, 4.1, and 9.4 ppm were wet milled to determine the distribution of zearalenone in milled products. Germ and starch yields were lower in the highly contaminated corn. The starch fraction was devoid of zearalenone, but the zearalenone of the whole grain was concentrated in the other fractions in the order of gluten greater than solubles greater than fiber greater than germ. Zearalenone is not destroyed by the laboratory steeping procedure used to condition the corn for processing, and zearalenone is not bound by gluten protein.