Cereal Chem 56:24 - 28. | VIEW
Carbohydrates of Legume Flours Compared with Wheat Flour. II. Starch.
O. Naivikul and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Starch yield from various legume flours was considerably lower than values reported for wheat flour. In general, the legume starch granules were oblong and did not exhibit as wide a variation in size as wheat starch, which has a mixture of large, intermediate, and small spherical granules. The polarized-light photomicrographs indicated that the birefringence of the legume starch granules is similar among the various legumes but differs from that in wheat. The amylogram curves of the legume starches showed higher initial pasting temperature and higher viscosity than did wheat starch, which would indicate a higher resistance to swelling and rupture. No peak viscosity during the hold period at 95 C occurred with any of the legume starches, indicating that the pastes were relatively stable and that the granules did not rupture during stirring, which is not the case with wheat starch. Water-binding capacity values for the legume starches were similar to values reported for wheat starch except for mung bean starch, which had a lower value. The range in amylose contents obtained for the legume starches in this study was slightly lower than the range reported for wheat starch. Acetylated wheat starch amylose had a higher molecular weight than did the acetylated legume starch amyloses except for lentil. The intrinsic viscosity values for the different legume starch amyloses showed the same trend when compared with the molecular weight values except for that of lentil amylose.