Cereal Chem 56:34 - 37. | VIEW
Gastric Disappearance of Dietary Fiber by Adolescent Boys.
S. Gramstorff Fetzer, C. Kies, and H. M. Fox. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
This study examined apparent disappearance of three forms of purified dietary fibers as consumed by normal adolescent boys. During the four four-day randomly arranged experimental periods, the eight subjects consumed a basal diet alone or the basal diet plus 14.2 g per day supplements of cellulose, hemicellulose, or pectin. Complete feces collections were made by the subjects throughout the study. Feces were analyzed for fiber constituents by detergent methods, and the apparent disappearance of cellulose was 45-46%. Hemicellulose disappearance was 76-90%, depending on the method used for calculation. Pectin seemingly disappeared completely as defined by standard methods of pectin determination. Changes in stool characteristics as the result of pectin feeding indicated, however, that the pectin was modified only so as to be no longer detectable by standard chemical methods.