Cereal Chem 56:361 - 363. | VIEW
An Evaluation of the Rapid Amylograph Method.
B. A. Marchylo and F. G. Kosmolak. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The operating procedure for the rapid amylograph method was studied. The optimum slurry composition was determined to be 26 g of wheat flour in 100 ml of distilled water. The rapid amylograph was less discriminatory than the standard amylograph test for flours with low to intermediate alpha-amylase activity but was a better differentiator for flours with high alpha-amylase activity. Comparison of the falling number and rapid amylograph methods indicated that the rapid method had about twice the range and was a better differentiator. An overall evaluation of the rapid amylograph method showed that it could be used in a wheat breeding program as an alternative to the falling number method but not to the standard amylograph method.