Cereal Chem 56:394 - 397. | VIEW
Changes in Spaghetti Protein Solubility During Cooking.
J. E. Dexter and R. R. Matsuo. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Three durum wheats and a hard red spring wheat possessing diverse cooking quality were processed into spaghettin in a DEMACO laboratory extruder and cooked for 3-28 min. Although cooking quality decreased for all four wheats over the complete range of cooking times examined, the samples did not rank in the same order at each cooking time. The amount of residue in the cooking water, cooked weight, and degree of strand swelling did not appear to be related to cooking quality. For all four wheats, protein extractability in dilute acetic acid rapidly decreased during cooking up to about 12 min. At each cooking time examined the two poorer quality wheats exhibited significantly greater protein extractability than the two better quality wheats. Osborne protein solubility fractionations showed this to be mainly due to a greater proportion of extractable gluten protein for the poor quality wheats. However, gel filtration elution profiles of acetic acid extracts for the four wheats at each cooking time revealed no significant quantitative differences in their pattern of protein denaturation. The relationship between cooked spaghetti protein extractability and spaghetti cooking quality was confirmed for 18 durum wheat lines of differing spaghetti cooking quality.