Cereal Chem 56:413 - 416. | VIEW
Rolled High-Lysine Barley in Breakfast Cereal, Cookies, and Bread.
N. Prentice, W. C. Burger, and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Hiproly barley, a hull-less, high-lysine variety, was rolled to form a product similar to rolled oats (oatmeal). The rolled barley (barleymeal) was compared with oatmeal for performance as a cooked breakfast cereal and as an alternative to oatmeal in bread and cookies. Organoleptic panels indicated no significant (5% level) difference between the breakfast cereals, although differences in texture and flavor were noted. Similarly, when 15% of the white flour in bread was replaced by either barleymeal or oatmeal, consumer panels indicated no significant difference in preference and rated both breads as acceptable as a 30% whole wheat bread. No preference between barleymeal and oatmeal was indicated in date-nut or chocolate chip cookies or in fudgenut bars. Oatmeal was preferred over barleymeal in a traditional oatmeal-raisin cookie, although the barleymeal cookie was scored well above the minimum acceptance level. The quantities of essential amino acids were similar in barleymeal and oatmeal, and both cereals at 15% flour replacement in bread provided higher amounts of essential amino acids than did whole wheat at the 30% flour replacement level.