Cereal Chem 56:475 - 479. | VIEW
Molecular Weight Distributions of Legume Starches by Gel Chromatography.
C. G. Biliaderis, D. R. Grant, and J. R. Vose. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The distribution of the molecular weight of the components of nine purified legume starches (smooth and wrinkled field peas; adzuki, garbanzo, mung, red kidney, navy, and faba beans; and green lentil) was investigated by gel chromatography. The Sepharose 2B columns were calibrated with dextrans of known molecular weight. Evidence was provided (% beta-amylolysis and lambda max of iodine-polysaccaride complexes) that the amylopectin fraction was excluded from the gel in all the starches. It was concluded therefore that the average molecular weight of this component was greater than 20 x 10(6). The distribution of components differed at different molecular weight ranges. The elution patterns of their components fractionated within the range of 0.2-0.9 Kav (primarily amyloses) were quite similar for all the legume starches except those of smooth and wrinkled seeded peas. The amount of polysaccharide material of both smooth and wrinkled pea starches was greater in the intermediate molecular weigh range, 2 x 10(6) less mol wt less 20 x 10(6), as compared with those of the other legume starches. Correlation analysis between set- back viscosities (obtained from viscoamylograms) and percent components fractionated between 0.2 and 0.9 Kav showed significant correlation (P = 0.05).