Cereal Chem 56:480 - 484. | VIEW
Bread-Making Quality of Air-Classified Hard Red Spring Wheat Manipulated Flour Blends.
J. W. Dick, W. C. Shuey, and O. J. Banasik. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two high, one intermediate, and two low protein flour fractions were obtained by pin-milling and air- classification of selected flour streams from three hard red spring wheat varieties (Era, Red River 68, and Waldron) and from a wheat blend of equal parts of the three varieties, which were milled on a pilot mill. Ash contents, protein contents, average particle sizes, and mixograms were obtained on the flour streams and fractions. Flours were blended from combinations of flour streams and fractions to manipulate flour quality. Subsequently, ash contents, protein contents, particle sizes, and farinograms were obtained for the manipulated flour blends. Each was baked and evaluated for quality defferences within each variety and for acceptability against a hard red spring wheat milling and baking standard. Bread-making quality of flour blends differed within a given variety, but improvements in baking did not necessarily raise the quality to an acceptable level. Quality characteristics of manipulated flour blends could be changed by fractionating a few flour streams rather than the entire flour, and the quality characteristics of an already acceptable variety could be improved.