Cereal Chem 56:520 - 524. | VIEW
Bread Wheat Granular Mill Streams with Potential for Pasta Production. II. Effect of Crop Year, Wheat Classes, and Eggs on Processing Spaghetti.
J. L. A. Fernandes, W. C. Shuey, and R. D. Maneval. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Granular mill streams of coarse, intermediate, and fine granulations, collected from a pilot mill specifically flowed for producing bread wheat flour, were used for egg-spaghetti production. Wheat classes of hard red spring (HRS), hard red winter (HRW), and durum from the crop years of 1974 and 1975 were investigated. Processing absorption was affected by wheat classes and degree of grinding. Of the classes tested, durum wheat egg-spaghetti had the best color and appearance, followed by HRW and HRS wheats, respectively. Granulation and/or position of the mill stream affected the egg-spaghetti color and appearance. A mill stream of intermediate granulation gave pasta with the best color and appearance. Cooking quality was not affected by degree of grinding but was affected by protein quantity and qualaity. All the wheat classes tested could be used for egg-spaghetti production. Farinograph and mixograph data could not be used to predict egg-spaghetti cooking quality properties. The egg-spaghetti prepared by the micro process had higher absorption and firmness and lower cooking loss than did the egg-spaghetti prepared by the macro process, but their color and cooked weight were similar. Wheat lipoxygenase did not appear to affect egg-spaghetti color.