Cereal Chem 56:548 - 551. | VIEW
Preparation and Properties by Soy-Fortified Cereal Weaning Foods.
M. Cheryan, T. D. McCune, A. I. Nelson, and L. K. Ferrier. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Dehydrated cereal-based weaning foods fortified with whole soybeans were produced by a relatively simple process (ie, blanching, grinding, cooking, and drum-drying). Addition of low amounts of sodium bicarbonate to grind-water improved flavor of the final product. Gelation of soy-cereal mixtures prior to drum-drying improved drying characteristics and organoleptic properties. Addition of soybeans overcame lysine deficiency of cereals and increased protein content of soy-cereal mixtures. Processing conditions had relatively little effect on protein quality. Optimum nutritional quality was obtained when soybeans formed 25 to 30% of the soy-cereal mixture. Organoleptic tests indicated that 20% soybeans could be incorporated before scores were significantly lowered.