Cereal Chem 56:563 - 566. | VIEW
Influence of Wheat Classes, Flour Extractions, and Baking Methods ond Egyptian Balady Bread.
E. I. Mousa, R. H. Ibrahim, W. C. Shuey, and R. D. Maneval. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two commercial hard red winter and hard red spring wheat samples with 12% protein were milled in a pilot mill to 85, 90, and 95% extraction. The flour samples were baked into Balady bready by a straight-dough and a continuous mix method, with and without oxidant and barley malt supplements. Acceptable bread was made by both methods, as judged by a 10-member Egyptian taste panel. The breads made from untreated flours were preferred to those made with flours containing malt and/or oxidant.