Cereal Chem 56:577 - 580. | VIEW
Stability of Vitamin B6 During Bread Making and Storage of Bread and Flour.
A. D. Perera, J. E. Leklem, and L. T. Miller. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Stability of vitamin B6 was determined during bread making using three flours: whole wheat, white, and white enriched with vitamin B6 (WB6). Breads made commercially and by two procedures (straight dough and sponge dough) under home conditions were compared. Stability of vitamin B6 in stored WB6 flour and WB6 bread was also studied. Vitamin B6 content of dough during different stages of bread making and of bread and flour during storage was determined by a microbiological method employing Saccharomyces carlsbergensis. Vitamin B6 content decreased slightly during fermentation and baking, except that in bread made by the sponge method, the vitamin B6 content increased during fermentation and baking, except that in bread made by the sponge method, the vitamin B6 content increased during fermentation. Vitamin B6 losses of 0-15% occurred during baking of the breads. Vitamin B6 in the WB6 bread was stable when stored in the freezer (-5 C) or refrigerator (4-5 C). Vitamin B6 content dropped 10% in bread stored at room temperature for three days. The level of vitamin B6 of the WB6 flour did not change significantly when stored at room temperature or in a cold room for six months.